How To Install Webscarab In Windows

How To Install Webscarab In Windows 6,7/10 2835 votes
  1. How To Install Webscarab In Windows 10
  2. How To Install Webscarab In Windows 7
  3. How To Install Webscarab On Windows
I wanted to play with OWASP's WebGoat. So I created a Ubuntu Desktop VM, and installed Java and WebGoat. You also need a web proxy to do the lessons, so I installed WebScarab along with the FoxyProxy extension for FireFox to make using it easy. This post details all the steps I went through.
I did find these directions for doing this similar. They are outdated, but kudos to them for some basic concepts I followed.

This text will explain in detail how to install and use WebScarab. While the explanation will use the Windows operationg system as an example, WebScarab will also runder under Linux, MacOS X or any other operating system supporting Java. One more thing: Please don’t let the number of pages of this instruction intimidate you. Autotune vst free download 32 bit. As the main WebScara page mentions, you don't need Git to install WebScara. A ZIP containing an up to date build of the master branch of the webscarab git tree can be found here. This file is rebuilt whenever new commits are pushed to the repository, and will always be the most up to date build of WebScarab.

[Update 11/30/2011: And there is now apparently a new version of my directions.]
I started with a fresh copy of a Ubuntu 8.0.4 Desktop image (I made my own, but you should be able to use an existing image). Fire up the image, login in, fire up a terminal (Applications, Accessories, Terminal) and become root ('sudo -i').
The first step was to install java:

# apt-get-install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jdk

Note that tomcat is now included with WebGoat, so there is no need to install it separately. The next step is to download WebGoat:

# wget
# unzip
# mv WebGoat-5.2/ /usr/local
# cd /usr/local/WebGoat-5.2/

You will need to edit the file to set JAVA_HOME and change the java version from 1.5 to 1.6. I use 'vi', you can use your favorite editor.

chmod 755
# cp
# vi

Add 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun' at the start of file, after the line with CATALINA_HOME. And then change the '1.5' on lines 17, 19, and 23 to '1.6'.
Next step was to install WebScarab, which is a proxy you'll need for WebGoat lessons. Download and install as follows:

# cd /tmp
# wget
# unzip
# mv webscarab-* /usr/local/webscarab

Now, to make it easy to use WebScarab from FireFox, I installed FoxyProxy into FireFox. Visit the FoxyProxy web page, install it and restart FireFox.
When FireFox starts back up, configure FireProxy as follows:

How To Install Webscarab In Windows 10

  1. Click on FoxyProxy icon in lower right and select Add New Proxy. The FireProxy window should appear.
  2. On the General tab, under Proxy Name enter 'WebScarab'.
  3. On the Proxy Details tab, select Manual Proxy Configuration.
  4. For Host or IP Address enter ''
  5. For Port enter '8008'
  6. On the URL Patterns tab select Add New Pattern
  7. For Pattern Name enter 'WebGoat'
  8. For Pattern URL enter 'http://**' (The first '*' here matches the 'guest:guest' string for authentication.)
  9. Click OK
  10. Close Proxy Settings
  11. Under Mode select Use proxies based on their pre-defined patterns and priorites.
  12. Close FoxyProxy Options
Now you probably want to open a couple of terminal windows (or tabs) one for WebScarab and one for WebGoat. In the first window fire up WebScarab:

# java -jar

How To Install Webscarab In Windows 7

You should see a WebScarab window open after a moment.
Then, in the other window, fire up WebGoat:

How To Install Webscarab On Windows

# cd /usr/local/WebGoat-5.2
# ./ start80

WebGoat will churn for a little bit, but then you should eventually see a message like 'INFO: Server startup in 3546 ms'. At this point you are ready to go by pointing your browser at http://guest:guest@
At this point you should see not only WebGoat appear in your browser, but WebScarab should start displaying bunch of requests. Click on the image at the top of this post for what things should look like.
That's as far as I've gotten. Next step will be to dive into WebGoat.